WebIl numero associato al nome Cristian è il 3 al quale fa riferimento il colore dell'aurea oro. Variante italiana Le varianti italiane del nome interessanti da prendere in considerazione. WebFonte: Istat. Leggi anche: Giuseppe: il significato del nome, l’origine e le curiosità Caratteristiche di chi porta il nome Christian: personalità, carattere, elementi. WebSecondo l'arte dell'onomanzia il colore del nome Mohammed è il Giallo. Le persone del colore giallo sono solari, cordiali ed estroverse con il prossimo, dinamiche ed ambiziose.
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WebSecondo l'arte dell'onomanzia il colore del nome Mohammed è il Giallo. Le persone del colore giallo sono solari, cordiali ed estroverse con il prossimo, dinamiche ed ambiziose. WebCuriosità sul nome Cristiano. Nel 2006 il nome Cristiano rientrava nella lista degli 80 nomi più utilizzati in Italia. Sappiamo inoltre che il colore dominante correlato al. WebIl segno zodiacale associato al nome Gaia è Vergine. Altre caratteristiche. Colore: violaceo; Pietra portafortuna: zaffiro ; Metallo: bronzo; Giorno fortunato: martedì;. WebIl colore propizio di chi si chiama Cristian è il verde; La pietra simbolo di chi porta questo nome è lo smeraldo; Il metallo di chi si chiama Cristian è il rame. WebIl numero associato al nome Christian è il 2 al quale fa riferimento il colore dell'aurea oro. Variante italiana Le varianti italiane del nome interessanti da prendere in considerazione. WebAndrea è usato anche al femminile. Segno Zodiacale. Il segno zodiacale associato al nome Andrea è Sagittario. Altre caratteristiche. Colore: bianco; Pietra. Web26-giu-2021 - Secondo l'antica arte dell'onomanzia il colore del nome Fulvio è il Blu. Le persone di questo colore sono gentili e sensibili con il prossimo, peccando talvolta di. WebSecondo l'antica arte dell'onomanzia il colore del nome Christian è l'Arancione. Le persone abbinate al colore arancione sono solari ed ottimiste, molto aperte e sincere verso gli altri.
Informazioni Biography of Hanns Joachim Scharff (1907-1992)
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Colore Associato Al Nome Cristian potrebbe essere interessante
Hanns Scharff is often referred to as Nazi Germany's 'Master Interrogator'. And for good reason: he was one of the most successful interrogators during the Second World War. Yet his technique was different than you'd perhaps suspect: he never laid a hand on a prisoner.
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0:00 Introduction
0:44 Hanns Scharff
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The content of this video covers events, people or concepts via a lecture-style presentation that is educational and historical in nature. Every video is original content by House of History. The events relating to conflict in this video are portrayed in their historical context without either value judgment or an ideological message attached to it. There is no intent to shock, upset or disgust. The goal of my channel is to make interesting lecture-style videos, no more, no less.
Thank you for taking the time to check out House of History, I hope you will find the films informative, interesting and enjoyable!
This so-called Scharff-technique thanks its name to Nazi Germany’s master interrogator Hanns Joachim Scharff. During the war, he worked as an interrogator for the Luftwaffe’s Intelligence and Evaluation Center. Because Scharff was fluent in English, he interrogated he questioned allied pilots that had crashed and were captured alive. He interrogated well over 500 captured pilots throughout the war. Even though Scharff was on ‘the wrong side of history’, even today the intelligence community considers him an iconic role model for interrogators. So what made him so special?
Well, a captured United States Air Force Fighter Pilot later reminisced about his interrogation, and his account tells us a lot about Scharff’s methods. In October 1944 Hubert Zemke was shot down over Germany and parachuted out of his aircraft. After several days of being on the run, he was captured and sent to Scharff for interrogation. Scharff made friendly conversation with him and wasn’t too interested in military intelligence. During a stroll through the woods, Scharff mistakenly mentioned that a chemical shortage was responsible for tracer bullets from American planes leaving white rather than red smoke. Zemke corrected him - there was no chemical shortage, the change in colour was to signal an aircraft was running out of ammunition. Scharff didn’t bat an eye, and the conversation continued. Zemke survived the war and only when he returned to the US he relayed his capture and interrogation to US army personnel, he realised what happened. When asked what Scharff got out of him he said “What did he get out of me? There is no doubt in my mind that he did extract something, but I haven’t the slightest idea what.” And he wasn’t the only one. One former prisoner said that Scharff ‘could get a confession of infidelity from a nun.’
If you have any feedback, questions or criticism feel free to leave a comment. Your opinion truly aids me in improving the content of the channel! If you have a question, feel free to leave a comment and I will either write a reply, answer your question in a Q&A video, or make an entire video about it!
The Scharff-technique: Eliciting intelligence from human sources: psycnet.apa.org/buy/2014-12659-001
Pär Anders Granhag, Simon Oleszkiewicz, Marthe Lefsaker Sakrisvold, Steven M. Kleinman. (2020) The Scharff technique: training military intelligence officers to elicit information from small cells of sources. Psychology, Crime & Law 26:5, pages 438-460: tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08850607.2015.1083341?casa_token=lIEOhWSqs00AAAAA%3Aw5wBoSOiJpKKQuG8clL7mLotkFyeXhQbeJCgHEPg4ccmUZKas7X9oUc3ty0p7LLvgWkd7iSdOjsP
Photos, paintings and imagery: Public Domain, Wikicommons
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